What We Do

Xchange partners with diverse IT suppliers who earn competitive contracts with companies looking to redirect some of their IT spend to train apprentices and create jobs that serve local communities.

Our Dynamic Business Model Creates Powerful Opportunity for Chicago

Chicago’s anchor companies spend $40 billion annually on third-party IT services, with most of these dollars leaving the local economy. Xchange brings those dollars back through a unique combination of workforce development and neighborhood revitalization efforts that leverages commercially driven demand for IT services.

Our Process

  • 1. Engage

    Xchange prime contractor, SDI, engages leading Chicago corporations to carve out a portion of their IT budgets – reshoring IT managed services, enterprise IT deployments and IT infrastructure projects.

  • 2. Train

    Xchange training partners reskill and upskill individuals for careers in tech. SDI onboards and mentors apprentices working on commercial projects.

  • 3. Support

    Xchange provides wrap-around services to ensure success as apprentices embark on their new career path in IT.

  • 4. Succeed

    SDI corporate clients have the option to hire apprentices directly to fill their tech talent pipeline, or apprentices stay on at SDI as full-time employees, advancing their IT career.