Support our mission

Xchange is driving a new economic model for Chicago, one that leverages corporate, civic and philanthropic partners for greater economic and social impact.

An investment in Xchange offers a triple bottom line:

  1. Job training and creation for diverse talent at scale

  2. Capacity building and growth for diverse suppliers

  3. New business anchors located in the community

  • Xchange Capital Fund

    Adjacent to the Gary Comer Youth Center, Xchange is a 28,000-square-foot innovation hub positioned to create new jobs and anchor businesses in Grand Crossing. Xchange will house commercial businesses, talent development, and training, a retail café, and a commercial kitchen. An investment in Xchange Capital Fund advances our mission by:

    Leveraging resources to invest in the community, strengthen the hyperlocal economy and accelerate the growth of minority-led businesses and entrepreneurs

    Demonstrating a scalable model for communities to repurpose and enhance existing assets, attract new business anchors, create valuable jobs, and generate income locally

    Providing residents with real opportunities for upward economic mobility

    Enriching the social fabric of the community

  • Support Xchange Programs

    More than a building, Xchange invests in people and harnesses the power of opportunity. Your contributions will help launch our model to revitalize the community and create meaningful work for thousands. An investment in Xchange Programs has outsized impact by:

    Improving capacity to train, develop, and support diverse talent through IT skills training and earning credentials that lead to meaningful, high-growth careers

    Completing career pathways continuum with resume and interview skill-building, real work experience, and coaching

    Providing wrap-around services and resources for individuals who may need stabilized housing, access to daycare, behavioral health services, and comprehensive mentoring to ensure success in careers and life

    Building infrastructure and systems to scale the model in other neighborhoods